Nottingham SOS Lobby of Executive Board
Tuesday 17 December, 12.15pm at Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham.
Nottingham City UNISON has joined forces with a wide range of trade unions, community organisations and individuals to form Nottingham Save our Services (SOS) to mount a campaign against the savage cuts being implemented at the council.
Part of that action has been to organise protests and lobbies of key Council meetings, the next one being a lobby of the Executive Board meeting on 17 December, where councillors will be discussing the budget proposals for 25/26 which include a further round of significant cuts, in particular a ruthless attack on council jobs.
Please join us to show our opposition to these cuts and to call on the council to demand increased local government funding from Central Government (please ensure you attend in your own time).
See our Flyer for further details.