UNISON’s industrial action ballot (England, Wales, Northern Ireland) on council and school pay closed last week. UNISON’s NJC committee met on Monday to consider the results and decide on the next steps.
Whilst branches worked really hard to get the vote out on pay, we did not meet the required turnout threshold of 50% in enough larger employers to enable strike action that would result in an improved pay offer. Therefore, we will not be moving forward with any industrial action.
The NJC Committee took the decision that, in light of these results, the 2024 NJC pay dispute should be settled. As GMB also wished to settle, the joint trade union side informed the National Employers so that an NJC circular could be issued.
Please find below a copy of the NJC joint circular on pay implementation. This details the pay rise and new pay rates applicable from 1 April 2024.
Also below, please find UNISON branch pay circular with information on the pay rise and advice for those on Universal Credit.